Mind your own damn fruits.

I was never the kind of person who paid real attention to the actions of others, or lack of actions per se. I would go through the days with the effortless pace of a tree that is trying to find its path through the soils, hyped up and all excited to go! You come to realize with time, that this growing tree will face many other roots in its way down-under, ones that flow with it perfectly, others that cut it off but with no real intention for harm, and some others, oh well.. you know. This tree grew to better understand boundaries and positions of power - as sad as that sounds, the idea that even if your next-door chillest tree in town wants to cut cross your way, you simply can’t and won’t let it, just because it is your personal space and that is enough reason. You start noticing the toxicity of intentional acts, and what effort truly means, what genuine behaviors are, and the energy levels that you have reserved in you the minute you meet and the second you leave, the ease you feel w...