Home in warzone

We’re talking again, innocently, resurfacing the love feelings of the past that only Nostalgia can care to explain.

We share songs we know will make their day, and posts no one else would understand, there’s a bond that will never be broken, as much as it's bend.

We both still don’t know if we’re good to each other, if we’re ever going to be, and if we’re ever going to hurt each other, we tiptoe with our emotions, knock on our common interests but never dare to walk in, it’s too soon maybe, we want to make sure it won’t hurt this time, that it’s just right, and it’s not the breaking point of that connection, we need the signals to stay alert so we can still believe there’s home somewhere, that there’s a place that would understand us without a single word, we need to feel hugged through re-blogging the same comfort lines over the same platforms. 

It feels like a home in the middle of war, you see, you never know if you’re going to be safe, you never know if you should go back, or if it’s already ruined, but it’s your home after all, nothing else ever feels the same.

It’s weird actually, how strong emotions are, and how they can manipulate the truth, and don’t give regard to people, their perceptions, and lives, depending on the comfort of being right.

There’s a plan, in the back of our heads, we both know it, even if we don’t share it, even if it’s not being communicated and discussed regularly, it’s in the far future, and it’s happy, it’s happy and it’s easy, loving and comfortable, it’s that dream of your home before war, with the sunshine glowing and all the quirky things you hated before that suddenly seem heavenly, it’s shining and it’s where you belong.

I never understood us, was it a phase we both had to go through to know ourselves and we were there to help each other through it; a person who came for a purpose, and left as soon as the job was done, or is it a non-ending thing that is based on a strong mental connection, with a brutal understanding of soft smiles and language of the eyes.

I don’t really know the answers to any of these questions, but all I know is, it has to be right and it can’t be interfered with, it has to be innocent and pure, and it has to feel like home after a revolution against opponents and ourselves.


  1. "It’s weird actually, how strong emotions are, and how they can manipulate the truth, and don’t give regard to people, their perceptions, and lives, depending on the comfort of being right."
    That's like the most terrifying fact in which leaves you rethinking of your whole life and how meaningless your choices was .

    1. hahaha it truly is, it's scary how your perception differs to any story/person depending on your emotional state and idea of logic in that certain period.

    2. That's like the ultimate irony which summarizes humans struggling to show themselves as they have the free will, don't you think that this irony is what make us human ? Is it bad to be human ?

    3. On the contrary, it's great to be human, it's just harder when your free-will isn't well-thought of, that it matches your current situation and not your ultimate goal.

    4. exactly I think of that as human defining criteria in which will led to so many dilemmas to struggle with, on the other hand lets imagine a day when you can control these emotions systematically would you do it ?


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