28 doesn’t mean late

Within this year and couple of months of lockdown, my brain made more conversations with itself than any other human kind, it rolled over the carpets and started dusting out all the fears and triggers into one bed to sleep in, it made a rollercoaster out of engraved emotions and took a deep dive into the lake of “life-meaning scenarios”, This year did not make it easy for words to come out, as if it took the warnings of spitting to an extreme sport and banned words along the line. What i mean to say is, each one of us has faced their angels and demons in this year and has danced around on fire more than they hoped they would, the walks down memory lane burnt our feet but made the roadway in our minds a much clearer one at its very end. What i mean to say is, i came to realize the essential needs of my safety and fulfillment, the triggers to my fears and how to break free from my cages, i came to know that i am not too much or too little, and what i feel is valid and what i dislik...