Two sides, of the same coin.

I am a firm believer that all human beings have a fire inside of them that can be ignited with the right opportunities, I am also a bigger believer that we create our own opportunities by unapologetically knocking off doors and letting the world know who we are and how we wish for it to be.

One of my professors in our master’s program has asked us to develop a case study for a start-up as part of our final exam evaluation; and the goal of this start-up is to be one that could “save the world” or perhaps solve a problem in the world right now; a problem that older generations have so eagerly built brick-by-brick with ignorance and self-entitled motivation (I added this part) - I laughed, and told the professor, too much pressure, no? haha

I don’t know If I believe that I am here for a greater purpose or if any of this effort is worth the while at the end. You can see people every single day who are ridiculing the world and are deliberately damaging it and are hurting the people around them for selfish reasons. Everyone is getting hurt from bottoms up by someone close to them more than a stranger even, there is no accountability left or any kind of righteousness to hold a glimpse of.

But we all have a fire inside of us, one which we are either holding inside of us; to have it destroy us from the inside day-by-day, or one that we are projecting towards the people around us, burning them one bit a time, or in the best case, a fire that is driving us towards a good place with better intentions and has a chilled lake as a rest stop.

I still do not know if people’s behavior reflect their real intentions, or which is the driving force of the other, or whether they are even related – but I really do hope that our intentions can be re-measured, to a more We-driven outlook rather than an "I-and-screw-the-world" one.


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