
Showing posts from August, 2018

Where your body belongs

Dig into yourself once and for all.. then relax. "And to be truly happy, you have to be actively involved in the direction of your life." 1.          Live the next months in places where your body feels like it belongs, with hearts that feel light and warm. 2.          Do not spend money on things that do not make you happy, only for the purpose of passing time. 3.          You do have potential, get to know it, test it and show it. 4.          Take good care of yourself, self-love is where it all begins my friend.   5.          Rest when you feel like it; start listening to your body. 6.          Breathe 7.          Love your parents 8.          Do not talk shit about people, do not talk about people even, talk about life and moments filled with goosebumps. 9.     ...

A wall wanderer.

For the past seven months, I had taken the decision to resolve untouched baggage in my life that has been cluttering with a rhythm-less kind of order, a vain distribution of chaos that has no sense of obvious beauty or an understanding for its various forms, I decided to crash the door in the back of each lobe in my brain and let the skeletons dance, you see, there are moments that come in your life where some triggers get you to feel things you do not know the source of, they either get you overwhelmed with sadness or utter beauty, and you always wander around life searching for that feeling again or a justification for it, these skeletons tremble over a certain unrecognized feeling and have your body shake with unease, but once and for all, I am entering. My decision did not come out of curiosity or free-time, it rushed into my organs with a flood of anxiety and unjustified heartbeats, with suffocation and an emerging need to take my virtual clothes-off in order to feel free and brea...