A crack on stage.

People break your heart, everyday. 

A friend, a lover, and even a parent, can say a brutal thing that would make your heart crumble and never rest at ease again. They believe honesty is the best cure; therefore; they are entitled to lay their opinion down into the bed of your thoughts without realizing that it has taken the whole bed and has left you sleepless, with its constant snoring into your thoughts.

Their brutal honesty, that ugly naked idea that will not move away, conquering your thoughts, leaving you restless; because somehow, you know it has truth in it, but you can not decide if it is actually The Truth. If it is who you are and what defines you, this brutal truth of another person of you, or is it purely a mere opinion that could fade one day that resulted from sudden resentment and selfish insecurities. They do not realize that, people, that their words get stuck on you, whether good or bad, even if you ever forget their exact words, you will always remember how you felt at that exact moment, how your world trembled and you felt like you are on stage, where all lights are fading away and you have to improvise, eyes looking at you, they are waiting for your response, for your actions, but there you are.. Speechless, helpless.

There is no right thing to say then, your mind has not yet absorbed what is happening around you, your body is under a septic shock, your whole life has just paused, and your only wish is for the ground to crack open and pull you all together. 

It hurts, the truth or whatever smoother description you want to give it.


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